Last summer solstice, a work I was contemplating reminded me of the ancient Greek genius Eratosthenes (276 BC–194 BC).
It is said that in his hometown of Alexandria in Egypt, he heard about a city called Syene, 785 kilometres to the south, where, during the summer solstice each year, the sunlight would shine directly down to the bottom of a well, with no shadows cast on the walls. This rare alignment of the Earth and the Sun occurs only once a year, creating a unique phenomenon.
At the same time, in Alexandria, a small shadow was cast by an obelisk in the city's square. Eratosthenes used the relative positions of these two cities, the Earth, and the movement of the Sun and stars to calculate the circumference of the Earth. Stories like these about ancient astronomy and the measurement of nature often evoke a sense of wonder at the ingenuity and beauty of exploring thunknown with just the human body and imagination. How many days did it take, gazing at the well, to understand the arrival of the summer solstice?
記得在去年使用朋友的手機攝影,那次的經驗讓我驚訝,現在的智能手已經強大到可以拍到月球,甚至是表面的紋路坑洞也很清楚;又或是拍攝市區中的建築物,建築立面的細節都十分的細緻,到底是怎麼辦到的呢?從後疫情時代開始,人工智慧開始流入日常生活當中,Ai運算的智能手機更是貼近我們的生活。後來才發現這些圖像都是透過所謂的ai「場景識別運算」所得出的「超解析度」(super resolution)圖像,意即圖像未必需要透過光學鏡片的對焦與捕捉,以場景識別運算出光學鏡頭未能拍清楚的細節,並推測出建築物外牆的結構、月球上的坑洞等細節。圖像已經由物理光學的成像變成可被計算的視覺資訊,就像繞過肉眼的晶體一般到達錐狀細胞再傳達到腦神經一樣。對觀眾來說圖像的真假比例與真實與否也許已經不再是一個很有重量的提問。
同時,偶然之間看到Elon Musk的新創公司Neuralink的新聞報導,以晶片植入猴子大腦作實驗,讀取猴子腦中識別圖像的神經訊號,最後更嘗試反過來以晶片對視覺神經傳送電子訊號,讓猴子眼前短暫的出現如同視覺暫留般的白色光點。雖然並非近年才有的實驗,但影像的存在與真實性的矛盾,將以更貼近的距離慢慢出現在生活當中 。這種非靠肉身所得到的身體體驗,讓我不禁聯想到科幻電影中那些躺在容器裡的人體,他們靜止不動,卻因為各式儀器的訊號傳導而有著極為豐富的感官享受,只是在旁觀看的我們可能都無法窺探,感官與現實的物質世界最終未必需要緊扣在一起。

Stainless steel, PMMA, optical filter, LED
Stainless steel, PMMA, optical filter, LED
1.2M x 1.2M x 7cm
1.2M x 1.2M x 7cm

"The Vanishing Sunlight" is a suspended circular three-dimensional artwork. The piece references and collects astronomical images of solar eclipses, which are then processed through computer algorithms to generate a new eclipse image that has never been seen before yet feels familiar. By combining visually directional materials, the work allows the halo to appear and disappear at different distances and angles, attempting to connect the viewer's bodily intuition in the exhibition space with the ancient human quest to explore the unknown. At the same time, it juxtaposes the ambiguity and detachment between the methods of image generation in contemporary technology and the notion of reality.

適逢創作其間夏至將近,讓我聯想到另一個古希臘的天才-埃拉托斯塞尼(276 BC-194 BC)。據稱,他在埃及的故鄉亞歷山卓城內曾聽說在南部785公里處有一座名為賽伊尼(Syene)的城市,城內有一口水井,每年6月的夏至太陽光總會垂直的照射到水井深處的底部,井內的石壁上甚至未出現一絲陰影,是地球與太陽在一年之中難得形成完全垂直的相對位置,可說是一年中特有的景象。與此同時,亞歷山卓城城內的一座方尖碑廣場中,地面卻出現一小段方尖碑的影子。埃拉托斯塞尼以這兩座城市、地球、日轉星移為想像,最後推算出整個地球的圓周大小。很常在這些古代的天文與測量自然的故事中,都會讓我感嘆那種依靠肉身去探索未知的過程是多麼浪漫與動人,到底要花多少天看著水井中的光影才能知道遙遠的某個星體在某一天正垂直的掛在頭上?如果他們都像現代人一樣每天低頭看手機看電腦,他們還會有餘裕去感知那些星斗移動的痕跡變化嗎?也許所謂的「未知」才是人們需要透過眼睛、肉身親自去辨證的事物吧。

nothing down there
what you looking for ?