游移之所 - Origin
Roaming - R

Stainless steel, PMMA, optical filter, LED
65cm x 65cm x 65cm
Origin draws from the artist's daily experience with modelling software, where defining an origin point is essential for determining coordinates and directions within 3D virtual space. However, this origin point can be freely moved, even to a distant, obscure corner. As the boundary between virtual and real spaces becomes increasingly blurred, the concept of an origin in the physical world frequently shifts, floating between virtual environments and reality.

With a playful and intuitive approach, the artist creates a movable spatial installation that allows viewers to interact with it. As the piece is pushed or moved by others, colours continuously appear and disappear from different angles, offering a dynamic, ever-changing visual experience. The installation humorously reflects the instability and fluidity of origin points in both the virtual and physical worlds, inviting the audience to engage in a shared but constantly shifting perception of space and colour.



nothing down there
what you looking for ?